Строительство и ремонт

Пассивный залог в завершенном настоящем времени: Present Perfect Passive Voice. Упражнения на пассивный залог во времени "Present Perfect" Present perfect continuous passive упражнения

Упражнения на пассивный залог во времени Present Perfect.
Упражнение 1.
Read the texts and find the sentences with Present Perfect Active and Present Perfect Passive tense forms. Translate them into your language.
Nina has lived in Sydney for two years. She has done a lot of things in Sydney. She has seen several plays, she has gone to the picture galleries and museums. She has visited the circus as well, and she has taken a tour to the Islands on Port Jackson. However, there are a lot of planned things she hasn’t done yet. She hasn’t gone to the Australian Reptile Park yet. Nina hasn’t been to some other parks yet.
The boss is angry with his secretary today because important letters haven’t been typed yet. Tea has been given to him cold. Wrong telephone numbers have been written down. The mail hasn’t been sent in time. A lot of time has been spent over the telephone.
Упражнение 2. Change the sentences with Present Perfect Active into Present Perfect Passive.
Example: I have already finished my work. My work ... - My work has already been finished.
I have already taken the books back to the library. The books ...
She has just posted those letters. Those letters ...
The teacher has already checked my test. My test ...
He has lost the key. The key ...
We have opened all the windows. All the windows ...
I have bought bread on the way home. Bread ...
I have done this exercise. This exercise ...
Упражнение 3. Imagine that your classroom and the school yard have been thoroughly cleaned. Say what has been done by whom.
Example The windows ... (to wash) - The windows have been washed by the girls.
The desks ... (to wash)
The flowers ... (to water)
The floor ... (to mop)
The furniture ... (to dust)
The grass ... (to cut)
The trees ... (to cut)
Упражнение 4. Answer the questions about your English lesson using Present Perfect Passive.
Have you been asked to read a text?
Has the text been translated?
Have the new words been written down?
Have the exercises been done by all the pupils?
Has your friend been asked to recite something?
Has large homework been given?
Who has been given good (bad) marks?
Have you been praised by the teacher?
Упражнение 5. Use Present Perfect Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
Peter ... (to break) the window.
The exercise ... (to write) already.
The text ... (to translate) by Victor.
The teacher just ... (to explain) the new rule.
We (to learn) the Passive Voice already.
A new school ... (to build) in this street.
Упражнение 6. Translate into English using Present Perfect Active or Passive.
Я только что купил газету. 2. Телевизор только что выключили. 3. Он уже ответил на вопрос. 4. Слова только что написали на доске. 5. Мы уже говорили об этом. 6. Все ответы уже даны. 7. Об этом только что сказали по радио. 8.Я уже смотрел этот фильм 9.Мне ничего об этом не говорили. 10.Все предложения уже написаны.
Упражнение 1. All the sentences in text A are in Present Perfect Active. All the sentences in text B are in Present Perfect Passive.
Упражнение 2. The books have been already taken back to the library by me. Those letters have just been posted by her. My test has already been checked by the teacher. The key has been lost by him. All the windows have been opened by us. Bread has been bought by me on the way home. This exercise has been done by me.
Упражнение 3. The desks have been washed by the pupils. The flowers have been watered by Molly. The floor has been mopped by the cleaners. The furniture has been to dusted by the boys. The grass has been to cut by the caretaker. The trees have been cut by the workmen.
Упражнение 4. Your own answers. Упражнение 5. 1 has broken, 2 has been already written, 3 has been translated, 4 has just explained, 5 have learnt, 6 has been built
Упражнение 6. I have just bought the newspaper. The TV-set has just been switched off. Не has already answered this question. The words have just been written on the blackboard. We’ve already spoken about it. All the answers have already been given. This has been just said over the radio. I’ve already watched this film. I haven’t been told anything about it. All the sentences have already been written.

В данной статье приведен пример преобразования формы активного залога Future Perfect в форму пассивного залога. Для выполнения данной задачи нам необходимо воспользоваться структурной схемой утвердительного предложения времени Future Perfect :

Subject + will have + Verb III form + Object
Подлежащее + will have + Глагол III формы + Object

Преобразование в пассивную форму начнем с замены смыслового глагола следующей синтаксической конструкцией:

to be + V III form

Данная конструкция говорит нам, что мы должны преобразовать вспомогательный глагол to be в ту форму, в которой стоит смысловой глагол в предложении исходного активного залога. А сам смысловой глагол должен быть преобразован в глагол III формы. Следуя данному правилу, мы преобразуем глагол to be в третью форму – been, а также и смысловой глагол в эту же форму (так как он и так уже находится в третьей форме, то смысловой глагол не меняется). Так же, подлежащее и дополнение меняются местами, т.к. в пасивном залоге меняется направление воздействия с субъекта на объект. В итоге получим следующую структуру, соответствующую пассивному залогу времени Future Perfect в утвердительной форме:

Subject + will have been + Verb III form +
Подлежащее + will have been + Глагол III формы +

Вопросительная форма:

Will + Subject + have been + Verb III + ?
Will + Подлежащее + have been + Глагол III + ?

Отрицательная форма:

Subject + will + not + have been + Verb III +
Подлежащее + will + not + have been + Глагол III +

Примеры предложений:

Active voice Passive voice
Утвердительная форма
She will have finished the performance by 8 o’clock.
Она завершит выступление к 8 часам.
The performance will have been finished by 8 o’clock.
Выступление будет завершено к 8 часам.
They will have repaired the car by the next week.
Они отремонтируют автомобиль к следующей неделе.
The car will have been repaired by the next week.
Автомобиль будет отремонтирован к следующей неделе.
I will have made the toy by your birthday.
Я сделаю игрушку к твоему дню рождения.
The toy will have been made by your birthday.
Игрушка будет сделана к твоему дню рождения.
He will have read the letters by your return.
Он прочтет письма к твоему возвращению.
The letters will have been read by your return.
Письма будут прочтены к твоему возвращению.
Вопросительная форма
Will she have finished the performance by 8 o’clock?
Она завершит выступление к 8 часам?
Will the performance have been finished by 8 o’clock?
Выступление будет завершено к 8 часам?
Will they have repaired the car by the next week?
Они отремонтируют автомобиль к следующей неделе?
Will the car have been repaired by the next week?
Автомобиль будет отремонтирован к следующей неделе?
Will I have made the toy by your birthday?
Я сделаю игрушку к твоему дню рождения?
Will the toy have been made by your birthday?
Игрушка будет сделана к твоему дню рождения?
Will he have read the letters by your return?
Он прочтет письма к твоему возвращению?
Will the letters have been read by your return?
Письма будут прочтены к твоему возвращению?
Отрицательная форма
She will not have finished the performance by 8 o’clock.
Она не завершит выступление к 8 часам.
The performance will not have been finished by 8 o’clock.
Выступление не будет завершено к 8 часам.
They will not have repaired the car by the next week.
Они не отремонтируют автомобиль к следующей неделе.
The car will not have been repaired by the next week.
Автомобиль не будет отремонтирован к следующей неделе.
I will have not made the toy by your birthday.
Я не сделаю игрушку к твоему дню рождения.
The toy will not have been made by your birthday.
Игрушка не будет сделана к твоему дню рождения.
He will not have read the letters by your return.
Он не прочтет письма к твоему возвращению.
The letters will not have been read by your return.
Письма не будут прочтены к твоему возвращению.

Упражнения на пассивный залог во времени Present Perfect. Exercises with answers. Полезные разноплановые упражнения на страдательный залог помогут Вам разобраться в данной теме.

Упражнение 1. Read the texts and find the sentences with Present Perfect Active and Present Perfect Passive tense forms. Translate them into your language.

Nina has lived in Sydney for two years. She has done a lot of things in Sydney. She has seen several plays, she has gone to the picture galleries and museums. She has visited the circus as well, and she has taken a tour to the Islands on Port Jackson. However, there are a lot of planned things she hasn’t done yet. She hasn’t gone to the Australian Reptile Park yet. Nina hasn’t been to some other parks yet.

The boss is angry with his secretary today because important letters haven’t been typed yet. Tea has been given to him cold. Wrong telephone numbers have been written down. The mail hasn’t been sent in time. A lot of time has been spent over the telephone.

Упражнение 2. Change the sentences with Present Perfect Active into Present Perfect Passive.

I have already finished my work. My work ...

My work has already been finished.

  1. I have already taken the books back to the library. The books ...
  2. She has just posted those letters. Those letters ...
  3. The teacher has already checked my test. My test ... —
  4. He has lost the key. The key ...
  5. We have opened all the windows. All the windows ... "
  6. I have bought bread on the way home. Bread ...
  7. I have done this exercise. This exercise ...

Упражнение 3. Imagine that your classroom and the school yard have been thoroughly cleaned. Say what has been done by whom.

Example The windows ... (to wash)

The windows have been washed by the girls.

  1. The desks ... (to wash)
  2. The flowers ... (to water)
  3. The floor ... (to mop)
  4. The furniture ... (to dust)
  5. The grass ... (to cut)
  6. The trees ... (to cut)

Упражнение 4. Answer the questions about your English lesson using Present Perfect Passive.

  1. Have you been asked to read a text?
  2. Has the text been translated?
  3. Have the new words been written down?
  4. Have the exercises been done by all the pupils?
  5. Has your friend been asked to recite something?
  6. Has large homework been given?
  7. Who has been given good (bad) marks?
  8. Have you been praised by the teacher?

Упражнение 5. Use Present Perfect Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

  1. Peter ... (to break) the window.
  2. The exercise ... (to write) already.
  3. The text ... (to translate) by Victor.
  4. The teacher just ... (to explain) the new rule.
  5. We (to learn) the Passive Voice already.
  6. A new school ... (to build) in this street.

Упражнение 6. Translate into English using Present Perfect Active or Passive.

  1. Я только что купил газету
  2. Телевизор только что выключили.
  3. Он уже ответил на вопрос
  4. Слова только что написали на доске
  5. Мы уже говорили об этом
  6. Все ответы уже даны.
  7. Об этом только что сказали по радио.
  8. Я уже смотрел этот фильм
  9. Мне ничего об этом не говорили
  10. Все предложения уже написаны.


Упражнение 1.

All the sentences in text A are in Present Perfect Active.

All the sentences in text B are in Present Perfect Passive.

Упражнение 2.

  1. The books have been already taken back to the library by me.
  2. Those letters have just been posted by her.
  3. My test has already been checked by the teacher.
  4. The key has been lost by him.
  5. All the windows have been opened by us.
  6. Bread has been bought by me on the way home.
  7. This exercise has been done by me.

Упражнение 3.

  1. The desks have been washed by the pupils.
  2. The flowers have been watered by Molly.
  3. The floor has been mopped by the cleaners.
  4. The furniture has been dusted by the boys.
  5. The grass has been cut by the caretaker.
  6. The trees have been cut by the workmen.

Упражнение 4. Your own answers.

Упражнение 5.

1 has broken, 2 has been already written, 3 has been translated, 4 has just explained, 5 have learnt, 6 has been built

Упражнение 6.

  1. I have just bought the newspaper.
  2. The TV-set has just been switched off.
  3. Не has already answered this question.
  4. The words have just been written on the blackboard.
  5. We’ve already spoken about it.
  6. All the answers have already been given.
  7. This has been just said over the radio.
  8. I’ve already watched this film.
  9. I haven’t been told anything about it.
  10. All the sentences have already been written.

Для начинающих предлагаю закрепить тему Passive Voice (в простых временах) и выполнить 10 упражнений для начинающих . Изучить тему

Для начала проверьте себя и переведите на английский язык предложение.

Passive Voice. Упражнения для начинающих

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. Breakfast was cooked by our mother.
  2. The new rule was explained to us at the English lesson.
  3. The story was written by Chekhov.
  4. This sports centre was visited by lots of people.
  5. This sports game is often played at P.E. lessons.
  6. The ball was thrown over the fence.
  7. The boxer was knocked down.
  8. I was born in Moscow.
  9. They will be trained by a famous coach.
  10. I will be sent to the competition.

Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный вариант и переведите на русский язык.

  1. The news programme ( is watched / watched ) by millions of people every day.
  2. The Mona Liza (painted / was painted) by Leonardo da Vinchi.
  3. The new cinema (be built / will be built ) next year.
  4. New pop groups ( are much spoken / is much spoken ) about among teenagers.
  5. Alexander Pushkin’s first poem ( was written / written) when he was fourteen.
  6. The letters (be sent / will be sent ) by post tomorrow.
  7. The translation (was finished / were finished ) two hours ago.
  8. London (visited / is visited) by hundreds of tourists every year.
  9. The dinner (be / will be) ready in an hour (через час).
  10. The dogs (were taken out/ was taken out) three times yesterday.

Упражнение 3.

  1. Tom always (to ask) at the lessons.
  2. I (to ask) at the last lesson.
  3. Our country house (to finish) next year.
  4. The dog (to find) by my sister yesterday.
  5. This work (to do) tomorrow.
  6. This text (to translate) at the last lesson.
  7. These trees (to plant) every autumn.
  8. Many interesting games always (to play) at our P.E. lessons.
  9. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow.
  10. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. My question (to answer) yesterday. 2. Hockey (to play) in winter. 3. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 4. Many houses (to burn) during the war. 5. His new book (to finish) next year. 6. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 7. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.8. Bread (to eat) every day. 9. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 10. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 11. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 12. Many houses (to build) in our town every year.

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующуюся форму глагола.

1. At the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel agency. 2. She will (meet, be met) them in the hall upstairs. 3. The porter will (bring, be brought) your luggage to your room. 4. Your luggage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift. 5. You may (leave, be left) your hat and coat in the cloakroom downstairs. 6. They can (leave, be left) the key with the clerk downstairs. 7. From the station they will (take, be taken) straight to the hotel. 8. Tomorrow he will (take, be taken) them to the Russian Museum.

Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple. Используйте Активный и Пассивный залог.

  1. The house ____________(to build) in 2020.
  2. The boy _________ (not to hear) the news yet.
  3. The Brooks ___________(to become) famous last year.
  4. Money _____________(to keep) in the bank.
  5. The parcel __________(to send) yesterday.
  6. I would like ________________(to know) English very well.
  7. Where _________the road _______(to lead) to?
  8. Look! The leaves _______________(to fall).
  9. All the money ___________(to spend) on clothes last week.
  10. The pie has gone! Who _________(to eat) it?

Упражнение 7. Переведите на английский язык

  1. Детей наказывают…. — Детей наказали… — Детей накажут…. (punish)
  2. Хлеб едят… — Хлеб съели… — Хлеб съедят…
  3. Розы выращивают… — Розы вырастили… — Розы вырастят… (grow)
  4. Картину рисуют… — Картину нарисовали… — Картину нарисуют… (paint)
  5. Обо мне говорят. — Обо мне говорили. — Обо мне будут говорить. (talk about)
  6. О нас забывают — О нас забыли…. — О нас забудут… (forget)

В пассивном залоге в английском предложении предлог ставится в конец.

ПРИМЕР. За доктором послали. — The doctor was sent for.

Упражнение 8. Переделайте предложения из активного залога в пассивный.

  1. We learn English. —
  2. The teacher asked the students a question. —
  3. They told me about the accident. —
  4. We will find our pets. —
  5. Next year we will learn French. —
  6. The teacher asked her a question. —
  7. I take my dog out every day. —

Упражнение 9.

  • хвалить — praise
  • рассказывать — tell

1. Я всегда хвалю моих друзей. 2. Меня всегда хвалят дома. 3. Каждую субботу папа показывает дедушке мои оценки. 4. Каждую субботу папе показывают мои оценки. 5. Мы часто вспоминаем вас. 6. Нас часто вспоминают в деревне. 7. Мне дают сок каждое утро. 8. Каждое утро я даю кошке молоко. 9. Он каждый день рассказывает нам что-нибудь интересное. 10. Ему каждый день рассказывают что-нибудь интересное.

Упражнение 10. (из пособия «Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. Ю. Голицынский)
Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple Active или Present Simple Passive.

1. Я часто посылаю письма друзьям. 2. Меня часто приглашают в кино. 3. Моей сестре часто помогают в школе. 4. Я иногда забываю взять проездную карточку. 5. Он пишет много писем. 6. Собаки любят кости. 7. Собак любят во многих семьях. 8. Когда в вашей семье пьют чай? 9. Почему эти правила всегда забывают? 10. Почему вы всегда забываете эти правила? 12. Где живут ваши друзья? 13. Где покупают хлеб? 14. Когда задают вопросы?

Упражнение 11. (из пособия «Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. Ю. Голицынский)
Переделайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice. Начните с выделенного слова.

ОБРАЗЕЦ. Mother waters the flowers in the evening. - The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother).

1. Irene’s husband brought her some beautiful shells from the south. 2. The explorers gave the newspaper reporters a long interview. 3. Mr. Wilson will teach you English. 4. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday. 5. Our mother tells us stories every evening. 6. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures. 7. A boy showed her the way. 8. They will send us a box of fruit. 9. Five or six small children followed them . 10. We will do the translation in the evening.

Упр. 65. Прочитайте и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. No mistakes have been made.

2. The gate has been left open.

3. He will have been sent to school by that time.

4. The dinner had been eaten before they finished the conversation.

5. You will have been given an answer by next week.

6. The building had been destroyed by the fire before the fire brigade arrived.

7. I couldn’t open the box as it had been locked by somebody.

8. The book will have been published by the end of the year.

9. I’ve just been offered the ticket for the film.

10. Pushkin’s works have been translated into many languages.

Упр. 66. Переделайте предложения из активного в пассивный залог.

Example: They have discussed the question. - The question has been discussed.

1. The child has broken the crystal vase.

2. The gardener has planted some trees.

3. She hasn’t cleaned the rooms for weeks.

4. Have the boys broken the window?

5. They haven’t invited Nick to the party.

6. The company has sacked 100 people.

7. The police have accused several people of the theft.

2. They have taken her to hospital.

3. Somebody has split tea all over the tablecloth.

4. Has someone mended the chair yet?

5. Nobody has ever spoken to me like that.

6. I haven’t washed the floor yet.

7. I have cut my finger.

8. The orchestra has played that piece beautifully.

10. They will have translated the article by next week.

11. They will have packed the things by the evening.

Упр. 67. Когда ученики вернулись в школу после летних каникул, они заметили,

что многое изменилось. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Perfect Passive .

New desks ___ had been bought ______________________ (buy).

1 A lot of trees ____________________________________(plant).

2 New lights ______________________________________(put in).

3 The classrooms ___________________________________(paint).

4 A tennis court ____________________________________(build).

5 The fence ________________________________________(take down).

6 Five new classrooms ________________________________(add).

7 New equipment __________________________(buy) for the chemistry lab.

8 Showers __________________________(install) in the changing rooms.

9 New blackboards __________________________(put up) in the classrooms.

10 The whole school ________________________________(modernize).

Упр . 68. Как вы думаете, что произойдет или еще не произойдет к 2020 году? Употребите глаголы в Future Perfect Passive.

Begin: I think… or I don’t think. . . . Use find, introduce, invent and solve.

Example: I don’t think the drug problem will have been solved.

the drug problem

a cure for cancer

passenger transport to the moon

the world’s hunger problem

supersonic trains

new energy source

the problem of world peace

Упр. 69. Переделайте предложения из активного в пассивный залог. Обращайте

внимание на видо - временные формы глаголов .

1. The customs officer is counting the cases.

2. When he entered the kitchen his sister was cooking supper.

3. After the accident they took him to hospital.

4. They will have completed this work by the end of the month.

5. The secretary has just brought some new magazines.

6. My son has cut his finger to the bone.

7. They wrote that letter in ink.

8. They are discussing a very important question now.

9. The porter will bring your luggage to your room.

10. They offered her an interesting job.

11. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of August.

12. The author has written a special edition for women.

13. I have bought a piano. They are delivering it tomorrow.

14. A thief stole my cat. I offered him $10 reward.

15. When we returned they had already locked the door.

16. I want to call the police because somebody has stolen my watch.

17. They will have built a new school by September.

18. They speak English here.

19. We will finish this work in time.

20. The secretary had typed the contract before the director came to the office.

21. The manager hasn’t signed the documents yet. He is checking them now.

22. A famous architect designed this theatre.

23. The teacher will correct the student’s composition.

24. Someone will serve coffee.

25. In some districts farmers use pigs to find truffles.

26. Glinka composed the opera “Ivan Susanin”.

27. A railway line connects the village with the town.

28. The director has just signed the letter.

29. They are building many new houses in our town now.

30. They built this bridge in 1945.

31. The manager hasn’t signed the documents yet. He is checking them now.

32. They sell these books everywhere.

33. Helen washed the dishes.

34. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees.

35. They haven’t brought back my skates.

36. Bees gather honey from flowers.

37. They make Toyotas in Japan.

38. They invited two hundred people to the wedding.

39. I have told the children about the party.

40. They promised the workers higher wages.

41. They will allow each boy a second plate of ice-cream.

42. They had already offered me a new job at the bank.

43. She will give you the answer in a week.

44. They make these artificial flowers of silk.

45. They took the photographs after the ceremony.

46. Has anyone posted my parcel?